Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So...I don't remember Chas's shoulder being mangled when I last looked at it that night...all I saw was the tentacle mark and some blistering. Well, after seeing his last post I pretty much attacked him and made him let me see the wound again (yes, Chas, I went all woman on you just like you wanted to avoid). See, my first thought had been that he just imagined it. I mean, he was pretty out of it when he came home that night and the whole memory loss thing seems to be a sign something is screwy in that head of his...
 I was wrong though. His shirt sleeve was bloody just like he said in his last post. His shoulder was a total looked like parts of the skin were...I don't know...burned? Its hard to say....all I could tell for certain was that its bloody and horribly mutilated. The rest of his arm still has the red tentacle mark thing but it doesn't look nearly as bad as before.
 So, I have to wonder, how did this happen? His shoulder wasn't destroyed when I first saw it that night, but the next day it was. After Chastin fainted like a little fairy (yeah that's right. I called you a fairy. That's payback for the "tight little ass" comment.), I went to bed with the blinds in my room shut tight. I didn't feel like being stared at all night by a certain tall abomination. Speaking of said abomination, I'm pretty sure He didn't come back that night. At least...I was. Now I can't help but think that He came back and hurt Chastin some more while he was out cold...either that or Chas's wound like...progressively got worse over the two hours or so he was out. I don't know...
Its frightening to think about...I don't even know if that monster was in our house that night or if He's been here since...I feel so helpless knowing that if He came here I couldn't do a thing about it.

Its such a strange feeling...that creature can be anywhere at any time He wants. He could appear behind me right now and I would be dead in an instant.

There's no fighting something like the end all I can do is watch and wait. There is no stopping Him...He's far away now, but He'll just keep coming closer. When that day comes that He finally appears at my side, will I even want to run?

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